
Yin Yoga / Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls


Tibetan bowls have been used for centuries to promote healing and meditation. They create a range of sounds that restore the vibrational frequencies of the body. These sounds are true energy medicines, which induce a deep state of relaxation eliminating stress, depression and various body aches. It has positive effects including on emotional and spiritual disorders.


The law of vibration teaches us that everything in the universe is in constant motion, with its own vibration. Sound is a vibration, and the vibration touches every part of our physical being, so sound is perceived not only by our ears but also by every cell of our body.


All parts of the body have their own resonant frequency. When an organ or other part of the body vibrates out of tone we are no longer in harmony, thus the flow of energy in the body is hindered. A body is in a healthy state when every cell and every organ resonates in harmony with the whole being.


Healing by using Tibetan bowls is based on the same idea. When energy flow is hindered, the organ or tissue in question no longer vibrates at an optimal frequency and therefore results in some kind of weakness or illness. The frequencies of sound created by Tibetan bowls restore and optimize the bodys energy flow where needed.


We can accentuate these healing effects by using various asanas (physical postures) in yoga that help us further develop our capacity to open and accept our being.


Instructor Yoga: Renata Coznici
Live music: Andrea Szabo


Participation fee XXX RON/pers. This event it’s not included in general memberships.


The event happens occasionally and the session date will always be displayed in the Opening Hours (http://omniyoga.ro/orar/).

Only registrations made on the site will be considered. Maximum number of participants: 15




Zong Yüan Qigong is a string of Chinese exercises over 7,000 years old that make people happier and healthier.

Through exercises and experiences, it helps to understand the workings of the universe and universal laws.


It does this with its 3 main pillars:


  • The theory of the 5 elements;
  • Yinyang;
  • Meridians.


This will bring your personal development to a higher level than ever!




  • you want positive change in all areas of your life,
  • you want to say goodbye to the pains of the past,
  • you want to activate the selfhealing power of your body to avoid problems caused by diseases


come and discover Zong Yüan Qigong with Szabolcs Takács, instructor of international Chung Yuan Chi Kung.


Szabolcs Takács became an instructor after 4 years of practice, to the satisfaction of over 100 students, who have become practitioners in recent years.


Szabolcs has long been interested in the art of selfhealing and researching the cause of diseases, and in his experience over the past decade he has provided and continues to provide a lot of support to people.


He shares this knowledge to those who wish to acquire selfknowledge and understand who they really are from a deeper perspective.


The event happens occasionally and the session date will always be displayed in the Hours.


The investment is 800 RON/pers.


Booking reservation is made with an advance payment of 300 RON online (or full payment) at the time of registration of the appointment.

Following registration, you will receive confirmation of appointment for all four meetings. If you wish to pay cash, please contact us by phone at 0757897720 (Renata).


Have a longer, happier and more balanced life!





Discover the joy of movement with NIA (neuromuscular integrative action)!


A holistic form of movement that combines elements from 9 different arts, including dance, healing arts and martial arts.


Practicing NIA keeps your body fit and feels good both physically and emotionally!

Each movement can be customized for your endurance level, no prior training required.

Discover more about NIA and come experience wellness.


The event happens occasionally and the session date will always show up in the Schedule.